{"i_result":1,"a_data":{"a_faqs_list":[{"s_question":"WDSL (Kablosuz) internet nedir? Kablosuz internet servisinin avantajlar\u0131 nelerdir?","s_answer":"WDSL hizmetinde bina \u00e7at\u0131s\u0131na tak\u0131lan bir anten ile iki nokta aras\u0131nda ba\u011flant\u0131 kurularak internet hizmeti sa\u011flan\u0131r. Anten \u00fczerinden gelen kablo, bina i\u00e7erisine uzat\u0131l\u0131r ve modem yard\u0131m\u0131 ile kablosuz yay\u0131n yap\u0131l\u0131r. Ar\u0131za ya\u015faman\u0131z durumunda, \u00c7a\u011fr\u0131 merkezimize 7\/24 ula\u015fabilirsiniz. Teknik ekibimiz genel tip bireysel abonelik ar\u0131zalar\u0131nda maksimum 2 i\u015f g\u00fcn\u00fc i\u00e7erisinde ba\u011flant\u0131 sorununuzu giderecektir. Ma\u011fduriyetiniz, teknik hatalar\u0131m\u0131zdan kaynakl\u0131 ise \u00fcyeli\u011finize ek s\u00fcre verilmektedir.","s_question_en":"What is WDSL (Wireless) internet? What are the advantages of wireless internet service?","s_answer_en":"In WDSL service, internet service is provided by establishing a connection between two points with an antenna attached to the building roof. The cable coming from the antenna is extended inside the building and wireless broadcast is made with the help of a modem. \r\nIf you experience a malfunction, you can reach our call center 24\/7. Our technical team will fix your connection problem within a maximum of 2 business days in general type individual subscription malfunctions. If your problem is due to our technical mistakes, additional time is added to your membership.\r\n"},{"s_question":"WDSL Kurulumda kurulum \u00fccreti al\u0131n\u0131yor mu?","s_answer":"1 ayl\u0131k ve 3 ayl\u0131k kurulumlarda 550 TL kurulum \u00fccreti al\u0131nmaktad\u0131r. 6 ay ve \u00fczeri aboneliklerde aktivasyon ve kurulum \u00fccreti al\u0131nmamaktad\u0131r. Y\u0131ll\u0131k aboneliklerde 20 m'ye kadar kablo \u00fccreti al\u0131nmamaktad\u0131r.","s_question_en":"Is there a setup fee for WDSL setup?","s_answer_en":"A setup fee of 550 TL is charged for 1-month and 3-month installations. For new 6 month or more subscriptions, there is no set-up or activation fee. For yearly subscriptions up to 20 mt of cable is free."},{"s_question":"Cihazlar\u0131n\u0131zda Modem ismi (SSID) g\u00f6r\u00fcnm\u00fcyorsa ne yap\u0131lmal\u0131d\u0131r?","s_answer":"Anten adapt\u00f6r\u00fc olan POE cihaz\u0131n\u0131 ve da\u011f\u0131t\u0131c\u0131y\u0131 kapat\u0131p 10 saniye bekledikten sonra a\u00e7mal\u0131y\u0131z. Sorun devam ediyorsa adapt\u00f6rden \u00e7\u0131kan ethernet kablosunu direk bilgisayar\/laptop'a tak\u0131p denemeliyiz. Problem devam ediyorsa, modemi en yak\u0131n bayimize veya ofisimize g\u00f6t\u00fcr\u00fcp tekrardan kurma i\u015flemi yap\u0131lmas\u0131 gerekmektedir.","s_question_en":"What should be done if the modem name (SSID) does not appear on your devices?","s_answer_en":"We have to turn off the POE device and the splitter, which is the antenna adapter, after waiting 10 seconds. If the problem persists, we should connect the Ethernet cable from the adapter directly to the computer \/ laptop and try it. If the problem persists, it is necessary to take the modem to our nearest dealer or office and reset it again."},{"s_question":"\u00c7a\u011fr\u0131 Merkezi hangi saatler aras\u0131nda hizmet vermektedir?","s_answer":"7 g\u00fcn 24 saat hizmet vermektedir.","s_question_en":"What hours does the Call Center serve?","s_answer_en":"It serves 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."},{"s_question":"ADSL Modem ve Wireless Router cihazlar\u0131 \u00fccretli midir?","s_answer":"Evet, 2 Antenli Netonline Ak\u0131ll\u0131 Modem 1000 TL, 2 Antenli Kablosuz ADSL Modem 1400 TL, 4 Antenli Netonline Ak\u0131ll\u0131 Modem 2100 TL olarak \u00fccretlendirilir","s_question_en":"Are ADSL Modem and Wireless Router devices priced seperately?","s_answer_en":"Netonline Smart Modem with 2 Antenna is charged at 1000 TL, Netonline Smart Modem with 4 Antenna is charged at 2100 TL and Wireless ADSL Modem with 2 Antenna is charged at 1400 TL."},{"s_question":"WDSL Adapt\u00f6r tak\u0131l\u0131 de\u011filse ne yap\u0131lmal\u0131d\u0131r?","s_answer":"\u00c7al\u0131\u015f\u0131r durumda olan bir adapt\u00f6r\u00fcn ye\u015fil \u0131\u015f\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131n yanmas\u0131 gerekmektedir. Adapt\u00f6r hi\u00e7 \u00e7al\u0131\u015fm\u0131yorsa baska bir elektrik fi\u015finde denenmelidir. Yine \u00e7al\u0131\u015fm\u0131yorsa ar\u0131za tespiti i\u00e7in 444 0 555'ten \u00c7a\u011fr\u0131 Merkezimize ula\u015fabilirsiniz. Bireysel aboneliklerde anl\u0131k olarak problem giderilememesi durumunda, teknik ekiplerimiz maksimum 2 i\u015f g\u00fcn\u00fc i\u00e7erisinde m\u00fcdahale edip problemi \u00e7\u00f6zecektir.","s_question_en":"What should be done if the WDSL Adapter is not plugged in?","s_answer_en":"A working adapter should have a green light on. If the adapter does not work at all, it should be tried on another power plug. If the adapter does not work at all, it should be tried on another power plug. If it is still not working, you can reach our Call Center on 444 0 555 for troubleshooting. In case the problem cannot be solved instantly in individual subscriptions, our technical teams will intervene and solve the problem within a maximum of 2 working days."},{"s_question":"Modemin arkas\u0131ndaki kablolama yanl\u0131\u015f ise;","s_answer":"D\u0131\u015far\u0131dan gelen kablo POE\/DataOut da tak\u0131l\u0131 olmal\u0131d\u0131r. Bilgisayara veya da\u011f\u0131t\u0131c\u0131ya giden kablo ise LAN\/DataIn de tak\u0131l\u0131 olmal\u0131d\u0131r. Kablolar\u0131n yanl\u0131\u015f giri\u015fe tak\u0131lmas\u0131 durumunda ise adapt\u00f6r \u00fczerinde k\u0131rm\u0131z\u0131 bir \u0131\u015f\u0131k g\u00f6r\u00fclmektedir. Kablolar\u0131n do\u011fru yerlerinde tak\u0131l\u0131 olup olmad\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131 \u00f6\u011frenebilmek i\u00e7in, \u00c7a\u011fr\u0131 Merkezi'mizden (444 0 555) de destek alabilirsiniz.","s_question_en":"If the cabling behind the modem is wrong;","s_answer_en":"The cable coming from the outside must be connected to the POE \/ DataOut. The cable going to the computer or router must be connected to the LAN \/ DataIn. If the cables are plugged into the wrong entry, a red light is seen on the adapter. You can also get support from our Call Center (444 0 555) to find out if the cables are inserted in the correct places."},{"s_question":"ADSL \u0130nternet nedir? ADSL aboneliklerde telefon dairesine ne kadar \u00fccret \u00f6denir?","s_answer":"ADSL, ev telefonu hatt\u0131na ba\u011fl\u0131 bir hizmettir. \u0130nternet \u00fccretine ek olarak Telekom\u00fcnikasyon Dairesi'ne sabit \u00fccret \u00f6denmesi gerekmektedir. (Aktivasyon 25TL+KDV, ayl\u0131k 15TL+KDV \u015feklinde telefon faturan\u0131za yans\u0131t\u0131lmaktad\u0131r). Ar\u0131za ya\u015fanmas\u0131 durumunda Telekom\u00fcnikasyon Dairesi'ne bildirebilmemiz i\u00e7in bize bilgi vermeniz gerekmektedir.","s_question_en":"What is ADSL Internet? How much is the phone office charged for ADSL subscriptions?","s_answer_en":"ADSL is a home telephone line service. In addition to the internet fee, a fixed fee must be paid to the Telecommunications Office. (Activation is reflected in your phone bill as 25TL + VAT, monthly 15TL + VAT) In case of malfunction, you need to inform us so that we can report it to the Telecommunications Office."},{"s_question":"Modem \u00fczerinde ADSL \u0131\u015f\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131n yanmamas\u0131 ne anlama gelir? Ne yap\u0131lmal\u0131d\u0131r?","s_answer":"Telekom\u00fcnikasyon Dairesine olan bakiyenizden ve\/veya ar\u0131zadan dolay\u0131 hatt\u0131n kesik olmas\u0131 demektir. \u0130lk olarak splitter varsa iptal edilip direk ana telefon hatt\u0131 ile denenmesi \u00f6nerilir. Adsl \u0131\u015f\u0131\u011f\u0131 hala yanm\u0131yorsa daireye ar\u0131za olarak bildirilmesi gerekmektedir.","s_question_en":"What does it mean if the ADSL light is not on on the modem? What should be done?","s_answer_en":"It means that the line is cut due to your balance to the Telecommunications Office and \/ or a fault. If there is a splitter, it is recommended to cancel it and try it with the direct main phone line. If the Adsl light is still not lit, it must be reported to the Telecommunications Office as a malfunction."},{"s_question":"Modem \u00fczerinde ADSL internet \u0131\u015f\u0131\u011f\u0131 yanm\u0131yorsa ne yap\u0131lmal\u0131d\u0131r?","s_answer":"Modemi kapat\u0131p 10 saniye bekledikten sonra modem a\u00e7\u0131lmal\u0131d\u0131r ve modem \u0131\u015f\u0131klar\u0131 1-2 dakika s\u00fcre ile takip edilmelidir. ADSL \u0131\u015f\u0131\u011f\u0131 sabit fakat internet \u0131\u015f\u0131\u011f\u0131 yanm\u0131yorsa modem ayarlar\u0131ndan ve\/veya sistemsel bir ar\u0131zadan dolay\u0131 ba\u011flan\u0131lam\u0131yor olabilir. Kontroller i\u00e7in 444 0 555'ten \u00c7a\u011fr\u0131 Merkezimize ula\u015fabilirsiniz. Modem kaynakl\u0131 sorun oldu\u011fu tespit edilirse, modeminizi en yak\u0131n bayimize veya ofisimize cihaz ayarlar\u0131n\u0131n yap\u0131lmas\u0131 i\u00e7in g\u00f6t\u00fcrebilirsiniz","s_question_en":"What should be done if the ADSL internet light is not lit on the modem?","s_answer_en":"After turning off the modem and waiting for 10 seconds, the modem should be turned on and the lights of the modem should be monitored for 1-2 minutes. \r\nIf the ADSL light is steady but the internet light is not on, it may not be possible to connect due to modem settings and \/ or a system malfunction. You can reach our Call Center on 444 0 555 for controls. If a modem-related problem is detected, you can take your modem to our nearest dealer or office for device settings."},{"s_question":"Her paket i\u00e7in dondurma i\u015flemini yapabiliyor muyum?","s_answer":"Son sat\u0131n al\u0131nan paketin s\u00fcresi 6 ay ve \u00fczeri oldu\u011funda dondurma i\u015flemi yap\u0131lmaktad\u0131r. Ayl\u0131k ve 3 ayl\u0131k paketlerde dondurma i\u015flemi yap\u0131lmamaktad\u0131r. 6 ayl\u0131k paketlerde toplamda 30 g\u00fcn, 12 ayl\u0131k paketlerde ise toplamda 90 g\u00fcn dondurma hakk\u0131 bulunmaktad\u0131r.","s_question_en":"Can I freeze my account for every package?","s_answer_en":"The freezing process is applied if the last purchased package is for 6 months or more. Freezing is not available for monthly and 3-month packages. Packages of 6 months have a total freezing right of 30 days, while packages of 12 months have a total freezing right of 90 days."}],"s_get_action":"get_faq"}}